“The World Needs a Bold Vision for ‘One Humanity’”, says CCA General Secretary

“Humanity experiences tremendous crises in recent times that warrant attention and unified action of all those who are concerned for the dignity, welfare, peace and security of all human beings”, says Dr. Mathews George Chunakara, General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia.
In a message issued by CCA in the context of the World Humanitarian Day (WHD), on “The World Needs a Bold Vision for ‘One Humanity”’, the CCA General Secretary stated, “as there is growing outrage that the numbers of people forced from their homes have mounted to levels unprecedented, faith communities need to come forward to extend solidarity and support to the common desire for change expressed by world leaders.”
World Humanitarian Day is held every year on 19 August to pay tribute to aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service, and to mobilize people to advocate for a more humane and just world. The theme of 2016 WHD is One Humanity.
WHD this year follows on one of the most significant actions of a global summit initiated by the United Nations: the World Humanitarian Summit, held in May 2016 in Turkey. During the Summit, world leaders came together to declare their collective support for the new Agenda for Humanity and commit to reduce suffering and deliver better lives for the millions of people.
CCA has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (UN-ECOSOC).
Click here for the Full Text of CCA General Secretary’s Message- The World Needs a Bold Vision for ‘One Humanity’