CCA shocked at Attacks on Churches in Lahore, Pakistan

CCA is shocked to note that 14 people were killed and more than 70 injured in suicide bomb attacks on St. John’s Catholic Church and Christ Church in Lahore, Pakistan. Both Christ Church, (affiliated to the Church of Pakistan) and St. John’s Catholic Church were heavily damaged. The blasts targeted worshippers attending Sunday mass at the churches located in Youhanabad, which is a predominantly Christian area. CCA condemns the attack on people in churches, who had gathered peacefully to pray and seek blessings for all. These attacks are reminiscent of the bomb blast at All Saints Church, Peshawar, in September 2013, which left 80 people dead.
CCA is also apprehensive about the fact that the law and order situation has deteriorated due to violent protests that erupted after the blasts, with a mob killing two men accused of involvement in the attacks.
We as churches in Asia are convinced that, such attacks not only on churches, but on all sacred places of any religion, and the mindless killing of innocent men, women and children will not solve problems, but intensify them. Christianity is a religion that teaches love and forgiveness, and peace with justice.
We hold our brothers and sisters in prayer asking for God’s courage, mercy and guidance in these hard times.